Save Water To Save Time, Stress, AND Money!
Facts & Tips For The Water-Wise
- The cost of clean water in your area is approximately $1/person/day
- A leak of one drop per second wastes 10,000 litres of water per year
- High-efficiency plumbing fixtures and appliances can reduce indoor water use
- New ultra-low flow toilets use 6 litres per flush, while older flush toilets use 18 litres
- Low-flow shower heads can decrease water consumption drastically
- Heating water accounts for 19% of home energy use

Top 5 Ways To Save
- Peak demand is in early June- please fill pools before. If able, reduce usage in June
- Stop leaks– check appliances and equipment for leaks regularly
- Reduce unnecessary flushes and replace with an ultra-low flow toilet when possible
- If your clothes washer is getting older, consider purchasing a newer model that offers energy savings and reduces water usage by 35-50%
- Change shower heads– a simple switch that generates big savings!
Water Conservation Tips
Using Water Wisely…
On The Farm & In Your Home
The PVWC’s rural water pipelines provide potable water that meets all Canadian drinking water standards. This dependable supply is there for both household and farm use.
Your municipal water utility cannot afford to build a system that will always meet peak demands. As the end users, farmers cannot afford the cost of such a system either. To avoid escalating costs, it is critical that on-farm water use be managed in a timely and efficient way.
Most rural water supply systems are designed to provide for average daily needs. Meeting peak demand in spring and summer is a serious challenge. But we can all do our part! Good on-farm water conservation and management is absolutely critical if your water supply system is going to keep up with the water that you and your neighbors need.
For Sprayers
- Fill field sprayer tanks from the hose overnight to avoid peak demand times
- Fill your tank from the hose overnight
- Use a float control to turn off the water when your tank is full
- Take the pressure off the rural system and be ready to go to the field earlier
For Livestock Reservoirs
- Fill the reservoir over a 24-hour period and repressurize to meet your barns requirements
- Keep a minimum 24-hour backup water supply in case of municipal system breakdown
Around The Farm
- Make sure hoses and piping on your farm do not leak
- Use the most water-efficient system for washing barns
- Make sure your pressure washer is both energy and water efficient
- Wash equipment in barns sparingly and at times that will not affect peak demand

Using Water Wisely

Using Water Wisely Rural
Learn more about Canadian Drinking Water Standards here.